Chronic gastro-intestinal or GI diseases like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn's Disease (CD), diarrhoea, bloating, etc. are frequently brought on by food hypersensitivity. Many IgG food allergies are caused by immunoglobulin G, which is created in response to specific meals. The two most prevalent Gastrointestinal illnesses are IBS and CD.

IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome:

This uncomfortable condition makes it difficult for people to function well, maintain a regular routine, or travel short distances. Some people experience the symptoms in subtle ways, while others experience them in complex ways.

Causes and diagnosis of IBS:

IBS cannot be specifically diagnosed, rather it can only be identified through the exclusion technique. The underlying conditions causing it are found after careful observation of the symptoms. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of IBS. A low-grade inflammation brought on by increased IgG antibody levels is one of the recognised causes.

Scientific approach to IBS and IgG:

Food Allergy Test can be done to identify the specific food that is causing the allergy if an IgG food allergy is the root cause of the IBS. Following the elimination diet will help you feel less uncomfortable if you have IBS, and the nutritional advice they provide will make it easier for you to savour your meals. Stool softeners and laxatives are two other methods for managing the symptoms.

Many studies and investigations have confirmed the link between IBS and high IgG antibody levels. Several patients participated in a 12-week study called "Food elimination based on IgG antibodies in Irritable Bowel Syndrome," conducted by Atkinson et al. in 2003 (Gut 2004; 53: 1459–1464). There were no complaints of Celiac disease or lactose intolerance in this group, which had a mild type of IBS. One group followed a fictitious diet, and the other avoided foods with high IgG levels. The IBS symptoms of the participants in this group significantly improved.

The results of a second study by Hon Guo et al. (2010) entitled "The value of eliminating foods according to food-specific Immunoglobulin G antibodies in Irritable Bowel Syndrome with diarrhoea" (The Journal of International Medical Research 2012; 40:204-2010) were consistent with those of the first study.


Migraines are long-lasting, severe headaches that are followed by throbbing or pulsating sensations on either side of the head. The precise reasons are not known. A migraine, however, could be brought on by a dietary allergy. Migraines can also be caused by drinking alcohol, having a disturbed sleep-wake cycle, stress, and other factors.

Scientific approach to Migraine and IgG:

Type III food allergies, which produce inflammation, may be the source of migraines. "Diet restriction in migraine, based on IgG against foods: a clinical double-blind, randomised, cross-over experiment" by Alpay K et al. was published in Cephalalgia in 2010; 30 (7): 829–837. Finding foods that might cause migraines can be done with the use of a food allergy test.

The study subjects who were placed on an exclusion diet free of foods that tested positive for IgG reported having about 30% fewer migraine attacks. According to these studies, avoiding foods that cause IgG antibodies to react with migraine and IBS sufferers experience fewer symptoms.